
Reach Remarkable


Oh no, the first post!  I think the best strategy is to just get on with it, so deep breath, here goes…

Reach Remarkable has been a long time coming. To be launching a new business and, clichéd as it might be, following a dream, feels quite remarkable.  From what I can make of the Office for National Statistics information about ‘business births’ as they describe it, about 250,000 new business are created in the UK each year.  So in the grand scheme of things, one more doesn’t move the needle very much.

But, I can’t think of it on the grand scale.  This is a new business and career for me and so affects my little world quite a lot.  It’s aim is both simple and grand:

Help us (people) to be remarkable!

Easy to say, a little harder to achieve.  Not in any way because of our individual capacity to be remarkable; and entirely because finding the right approach and support to achieve that as a speaker, trainer and coach will be a driving challenge.

We are not all destined to be Ghandi, but then one of the keys to being remarkable is that we must do it in a way that works for us, is authentic for us – and understanding what is authentically ‘me’ is a good place to start… and for this starting post, a good place to end.

Be remarkable,