
Long to-do list? Structure and frogs

How is your to-do list?  Long?  I know mine is.  There are times when I seem to be adding more things than I can possibly do – and there are times when I’m completely on top of it.  And it’s these latter times that are the most interesting.

It’s easy to focus on what’s not working, and forget to take lessons from what is working.  When I’m on top of my to-do list, other things are usually working too… I’m getting enough sleep, eating well, managing to move regularly, doing mindfulness practice.

When life gets busy the to-do list presses deadlines that seem to require long hours, and other activities that support wellbeing get prioritised out.  Or it might be the opposite, that nothing is pressing and there’s a lack of purpose about the day, which ironically can lead to the same end.

When we’re overly busy we might long to be free of obligation, and when we’re free of obligation, guess what…!

For most of us, structure helps.  If we manage to start the day by achieving the first things on our list, the rest of the day often follows suit.  In my case, I know that if I’m able to do a morning meditation practice and walk the dog, then start a planned task, by the time 11 o’clock comes around, things are running smoothly, and coffee is welcome.

Years ago I read a book by American writer Brian Tracy called ‘Eat that frog!’ – the premise, as I recall, is that the first task you do in the day should be the most important or hardest one.  It’s often the one you’re least looking forward to doing, as appealing as eating a frog!  After that task is done, everything is easier.

If you’re really busy or have all the time in the world, give yourself some structure, try starting the day with something active that supports your wellbeing, then eat that frog.  The to-do list will feel lighter (even if it’s longer than you would like).